
⇶ Wini MaMeth



∈FSCSS∋ ⇶ Wini MaMeth

FSCSS is used to write CSS code in short and easy way. using shorthand methods. $...

shorthand Methods »

$ACS() method

example HTML example $acs() shorthand

$G() method

example HTML example $g() shorthand

$M() method

example HTML example $m() shorthand

$P() method

example HTML example $p() shorthand
$ method

example HTML example $ shorthand

-*- method

example HTML example -*- shorthand

#count method

example HTML example $count shorthand

To link this method to your HTML, Use MaMeth JS files examples /scripts/wini%20script%20.js or /scripts/fscssv3.1m.js or /scan/3.2/rel.js


Use This after the tag

Or This


Examples ↓

Methods ↓

» $R()

$R( { })

$R() Is used instead of :root. e.g

» $G()

$G( / |);

$g() Is used for properties shorthands and in selectors e.g

In $G() method the first property or selector is parent to those after the slash. ⁅ syntax ⁆ $g(parent children |). Example in properties: $g(border: 2px solid; /-radius: 1rem; /-color: #909; |) Output:   border:2px solid; border-radius: 1rem; border-color: #909; Example in selector: $g(body{ body style } / h1{ body h1 style } / p{ body p style } |) Output:   body{ body style} body h1{ body h1 style } body p{ body p style }

» $P()

$P( , [ ])

$p() Is used for properties multiplication e.g

This method shared 1 value in ten (10) places, With colon (:) and semicolon (;). It shared 1 value to less than or complete ten properties. ⁅ syntax ⁆ $p(properties[value]) Example $p(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J[⁑]) Output:   A:⁑; B:⁑; C:⁑; D:⁑; E:⁑; F:⁑; G:⁑; H:⁑; I:⁑; J:⁑;

» $ACS()

$ACS( [ ])

$acs() Is used in element selector e.g

» $M()

$M( , [ ]);

$m() Is used for properties multiplication e.g

Properties in $m() can`t be more than 18.

» %I()

%i( ,[ ])

%i() Is similar to $m().

The defference is that the properties in %i() can`t be more than 10.

» %9()

%9( , [ ])

%9() Is similar to $m().

The defference is that the properties in %9() can`t be more than 9.

It count from %1() to %9() calculating accordingly.

The properties in %number() methods can`t be more than the given number,it shared the value to the given number. The number on it can't be less than 1, and it can't be greater than 9. You can use %i() instead of %10().

» $

$ : ; $ !

$ Is used for variable e.g

» #count()

#count(' '/' ')

#count() Is used instead of too much notes in @keyframes e.g

» IMP()

IMP({ }, )

imp() Is used instead of the <style></style> tag e.g

Pens examples
